A Few of My Favorite Things
Other Praise
90% of the time he spells 30% of the words correctly. - Saul Wellingood, editer
I couldn't put down Richard Greenslit's novel. This mostly occurred because Richard slathered superglue on the front and back cover before handing it to me. - Frieda Wales, marine biologist
I have yet to read a book by Richard Greenslit, so I can say with confidence that he has never disappointed me as a writer. - Imelda Czechs, accountant
He came up to me on the street and offered me $10 if I said something nice about his book. I told him I was illiterate, and he said that was probably all for the best. Having said that, it's in the very top tier of all the books I've read! - Howie Vasive, Richard's spokesperson